FAS of Russia EDS in Russia, Single Portal

For Suppliers and Customers

Nowadays Electronic Trading is the most efficient instrument in organization of trade and procurement activities.


  • reducing expenses for organization of procurement procedures (simplification of the procedures and lead time reduction of tenders, bids collecting and processing time reduction, what is produced by means of machines; on an average the expense reduction makes up to 10-15 percent of funds intended for buying goods and services).
  • trigger price reduction due to the increase in number of suppliers (for customer – increase in number of suppliers and open price competition result in price cuts for goods, work and services during the electronic auctions; for supplier – the price reduction considered to be a benefit for the customer is compensated also for the supplier due to marketing development and increase in demand for goods and services).
  • transparence of the electronic trading system allows to avoid corruption.
  • equal chances during the competition for all participants.
  • legal and information security providing for the participants of electronic trading platforms due to using of certificated encryption protection and identity verification technologies.

Major problems customers and suppliers face

  • territorial — access to trading platforms in Russia and abroad; access for foreign suppliers to Russian trading platforms;
  • technological — differences between trading platforms as for technologies and formalities make difficulties for those taking part in tenders on several trading platforms;
  • informative — lack of information on active electronic trading platforms (ETP), current tenders, volumes and prices of purchased goods;
  • legal — constantly changing Russian legislation and legislation in other countries regulating trade and procurement activities supported by electronic technologies; differences between regional legislatures and requirement and regulations for corporations in different regions.

The Association of Electronic Trading Platforms offers services essential for the betterment of trade and procurement activities of your company.

In Russian regions there are Regional Centers of the Association which provide a necessary range of services concerning activities on trading platforms:

  • access to the ETPs of the Association;
  • consulting concerning activities and functioning of trading platforms;
  • access to the systems analyzing trading activity and concluded contracts;
  • access to the consulting system concerning the use and changes of federal, regional legislation and the legislation abroad regulating the state and municipal procurement, consulting on corporation rules.

The system of Accredited Certification Authorities allows to use the a common electronic digital signature (EDS) for participation in tenders on all platforms of the Association what will reduce costs as well as save time while  getting EDSs.

We are willing to consult Your company on all questions and provide You technical and executive support while working on electronic trading platforms.

Advantages of customers and suppliers working within the capacity of the association

  • possibility of access to every trading platform of the Association;
  • increase in number of the suppliers/customers;
  • consultation on work and functioning of ETPs in Regional Centers of the Association;
  • access to comprehensive information on current tenders due to the system of automatic messages about tenders;
  • possibility to use a common electronic digital signature on all ETPs of the Association;
  • continually technical support of clients.