Authorized certification authorities
(free call)
For the work in Federal electronic trading platforms it is possible to get EDS only in the official places of issue of authorized Certification authorities. For details call: 8-800-2000-100 (free call).
For getting EDS fill in registration form Procedure for getting EDS
List of authorized certification authorities

National Certification Authority (NCA)
Address: Aviamotornaya str. 8A build. 5 Moscow 111024
Phone: (495) 690-92-22

Taxcom Ltd
Address: Moscow, 127051, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya st., 12, 2nd entrance, 3d and 4th floors
Phone: (495) 730-73-47

LLC “Electronic express” (CA Garant)
Address: Nauchny proezd 19, Moscow
Phone: (495) 647-98-99

CA LLC “Mostinfo”
Address: Mamin-Sibiryak str. 38 Yekaterinburg Sverdlovsk region, 620027
Phone: (343) 287-04-67

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center-Inform”
Address: Shpalernaya str. 28, Saint-Petersburg, 191123
Phone: (812) 740-54-05

LLC Kordon
Address: Milchakov str. 5/2, Rostov-on-Done, 344090
Phone: (863) 299-55-15

B2B Connect
Address: 8th Tekstilshikov str. 11, Moscow, 109129
Phone: (495) 727-15-04

LLC “Electronic city”
Address: Mozhaiskaya str. 2, Kursk, 305000
Phone: (471) 252-01-09

Regional certification center LLC “InfoCenter”
Address: Oktyabrsky prospect 36, Vladimir, 600005
Phone: (49-22) 42-31-12

JSC “Electronic Moscow”
Address: Bolshoi Suharevsky per. 11, build. 1, office 6, Moscow, 127051
Phone: (495) 988-22-72

LLC “Company “Service TV-Info”
Address: Parizhskaya Kommuna str. 16, Ivanovo, 153003
Phone: (49-32) 93-09-09

Address: Severnaya str. 324 K, Krasnodar, 350000
Phone: (861) 251-20-00

LLC “Information medicine center”
Address: Nekrasovskaya str. 56 B, Samara, 443010
Phone: (846) 374-04-74

LLC “TC Contact”
Address: Pyatnitskaya str. 55, Voronezh, 394000
Phone: (473) 260-65-67

Autonomous nonprofit organization “Belinfonalog”
Address: Michurina str. 48b, Belgorod 308007
Phone: (47-22) 232-702 (multichannel)

Certification authority “SDO” (Network of business service) (JSC)
Address: Komsomolsky prospect 11, build.1, Tver, 170026
Phone: (48-22) 509-509, (48-22)509-657

LLC “Registration-Process center “Partner”
Address: B. Sadovaya 239, 4th floor, office 422, Saratov, 410005
Phone: (84-52) 75-33-33

Address: Yashina str. 40, Khabarovsk, 680038
Phone: +7 (42-12) 45-46-34
+7 (42-12) 45-46-32
+7 (42-12) 76-48-70 (доб. 305, 316, 320, 317, 315, 314)

LLC “CryptoStandard”
Address: Rostov-on Done Pushkinskaya str. 104/32 office 61, 344006
Phone: (863) 219-00-25

LLC “Keysystems”
Address: P. Yakovlev prospect 3, Cheboksary
Phone: 8 (83-52) 323-323

Certification Authority of Siberia “TUSUR” , http://уцсибири.рф
Address: Lenin prospect 40, Tomsk, 634050
Phone: (38-22) 90-01-11 доп. 4

LLC “Center of information security”
Address: Severo-Zapadnaya str. 159, Barnaul Altaisky krai
Phone: (38-52) 20-04-64

LLC “Internet technologies and communications”
Address: Odesskaya str. 41 office 301, Krasnodar, 350020
Phone: (861) 214-00-77, (861) 214-00-99
Факс: (861) 253-55-77

Certification Authority LLC RSC Info-Buhgalter
Address: Idarov str. 198, Nalchik, 360016
Phone: (866) 275-14-00,+7 909 490-08-01, +7 960 423-66-55

JSC “Single electronic trading platform”
Address: 117312, г. Москва, проспект 60-летия Октября, д. 9
Phone: (495) 276-16-26

Certification authority “Sberkey”
Address: Bolshaya Tatarskaya 9, Moscow
Phone: (495) 539-25-50

Certification Authority “Taxnet”
Address: Kayuma Nasyri 28, Kazan, 420021
Phone: (843) 231-92-00

Address: Internatsionalnaya str. 110, Barnaul, 656049
Phone: 8-800-1000-945

CJSC “Certification Authority of Ural”
Address: Moskovskaya str. 11 A, office 107, Yekaterinburg 620014
Phone: (343) 351-78-57

Address: Krylova str. 63a, building 1, Lipetsk, 398024
Phone: (472) 225-60-43

CJSC “Rosta”
Address: Sokolov prospect 61, office 67, Rostov-on-Done 344010
Phone: (472) 225-60-43

LLC “Kommersant KARTOTEKA”
Address: Nahimovsky prospect 32, IFES RAS, office 1312, Moscow
Phone: 8 (800) 100-85-55 / 8 (800) 100-85-50, add. 197, 198, 199

CJSC “Service Center”
Address: Nerchinskaya str. 10, office 315, Vladivostok, 690106
Phone: +7 (423) 262-02-62

Address: Nagovitsyna-Ikryanistova str. 6, first floor, Ivanovo, 153003
Phone: +7 (493) 220-30-40

Certification Authority RUP “National center of marketing and price conditions”
Address: Pobediteley Prospect 7, office 1119, Minsk
Phone: +375 (17) 203-03-94

JSC “InfoTeX Internet Trust”
Address: Stary Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd 1/23, build. 1, 2nd floor, Moscow 127287
Phone: (495) 737-93-72

CJSC “Kaluga Astral”
Address: Tereninsky 6, Kaluga 248023
Phone: (48-42) 78-89-99

CJSC “Certification Authority”
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Maloohtinsky prospect 68, 212, 195112
Phone: (812) 578-01-96

LLC CA GIS (Certification Authority GASINFORMSERVICE)
Address: prospect of Stachek 47, Saint-Petersburg 191188
Phone: 8 (8000 50-50-50-2, (812)67-777-68

Address: Leninsky prospect 168, Saint-Petersburg 196191
Phone: (812) 610-56-10

Private Unitary Enterprise for providing services “Certification Authority “BUTB”
Address: Kazintsa str. 2, building 402, Minsk
Phone: +375 (17) 309-32-28

LLC “E-Portal”
Address: 17 Rabochaya str. 101 B Omsk 644023
Phone: (38-12) 91-07-77

Certification Authority “MagLAN” (LLC “MagTel”)
Address: Gaharin str. 12, room 327, Magadan, 685000
Phone: (41-32) 20-02-00

Certification Authority CJSC “IRBIS”
Address: Volokolamsky prospect 43 build. 1, Tver, 170033
Phone: (482) 271-02-50

CJSC “SibTeleCom”
Address: Zavodskaya str. 11A, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tumensky region
Phone: (346) 736-00-61

Certification Authority “Property” FGUP “Rostechinventarizatsiya – Federal BTI”
Address: Vernandsky prospect 37, building 2, Moscow 119415
Phone: (495) 747-98-11

Certification Authority LLC “NTSsoft”
Address: Chebyshev str. 4, office 308, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlov region, Russia 620062
Phone: 8-800-333-22-05

LLC “Skynetwork”
Address: Moskovskaya str. 15, Kazan, 420111
Phone: +7(843) 202-42-46

LLC “Electronic city+”
Address: Mozhaevskaya str. 2a, Kursk, 305000
Phone: (47-12) 545-575

LLC “EuroSoft”
Address: Ofitserskaya str. 11a, Vladimir, 600001
Phone: 8-800-700-32-51

LLC “Russian Company”
Address: Respublica str. 53, office 511, Tumen
Phone: (34-52) 68-00-86

LLC “Certification authority Orbita”
Address: Starokubanskaya str.114, office 612, Krasnodar 350058
Phone: (861) 203-16-46; (861) 201-01-44

LLC “Educational information center C”
Address: Vishnevy proezd 19, Saratov, 410065
Phone: (8452) 74-44-06, 8 (800) 500-71-71

SPB State Unitary Enterprise “SPB research and information center”
Address: Transportny court 6A buildings 7H, 8H, Saint-Petersburg 191040
Phone: (812) 576-60-75

LLC Certification Authority “Crypto-Service”
Address: Lermontovskaya str. 87/66 office 316, Rostov-on-Done 344010
Phone: (863) 268-93-85

LLC “Regional Certification Authority”
Address: Krasny prospect 157/1, Novosibirsk, 630049
Phone: (383) 228-15-53

Autonomous establishment of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region – Yugra “Yugra research scientific institute of information technologies”
Address: Mir str. 151, room 614, Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011
Phone: (3467) 359-034

“Open Code” Ltd
Address: Yarmorachnaya str. 55, 14th floor, Samara 443001
Phone: (846) 331-11-11

LLC “RosIntegration”
Address: Mir str. 26, Krasnodar 350063
Phone: (861) 279-32-00

LLC “Certification Authority Trust”
Address: Krasnaya str. 81, office 408/1, Krasnodar 350000
Phone: (861) 201-26-89

LLC “Choice”
Address: Kommunisticheskaya str. 6, Smolensk, 214000
Phone: (481) 238-88-98

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “ROSTEK” of the Federal customs service
Address: Igralnaya str. 1, Moscow, 107258
Phone: (495) 662-51-26, (495) 662-51-27

Certification Authority “Tenzor”
Address: Moscovsky prospect 12, Yaroslavl
Phone: (48-52) 26-20-00