Accredited certification authorities in the Ministry of communications and media
List of accredited certification authorities

National Certification Authority (NCA)
Address: Aviamotornaya str. 8A build. 5 Moscow 111024
Phone: (495) 690-92-22

Taxcom Ltd
Address: Moscow, 127051, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya st., 12, 2nd entrance, 3d and 4th floors
Phone: (495) 730-73-47

LLC “Electronic express” (CA Garant)
Address: Nauchny proezd 19, Moscow
Phone: (495) 647-98-99

CA LLC “Mostinfo”
Address: Mamin-Sibiryak str. 38 Yekaterinburg Sverdlovsk region, 620027
Phone: (343) 287-04-67

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center-Inform”
Address: Shpalernaya str. 28, Saint-Petersburg, 191123
Phone: (812) 740-54-05

LLC “Kordon”
Address: Milchakov str. 5/2, Rostov-on-Done, 344090
Phone: (863) 299-55-15

LLC “Electronic city”
Address: Mozhaiskaya str. 2, Kursk, 305000
Phone: (471) 252-01-09

LLC “Electronic city +”
Address: Mozhaiskaya str. 2a, Kursk, 305000
Phone: (47-12) 545-575

Regional certification center LLC “InfoCenter”
Address: Oktyabrsky prospect 36, Vladimir, 600005
Phone: (49-22) 42-31-12

JSC “Electronic Moscow”
Address: Bolshoi Suharevsky per. 11, build. 1, office 6, Moscow, 127051
Phone: (495) 988-22-72

LLC “Company “Service TV-Info”
Address: Parizhskaya Kommuna str. 16, Ivanovo, 153003
Phone: (49-32) 93-09-09

Address: Severnaya str. 324 K, Krasnodar, 350000
Phone: +7 (861) 251-20-00

LLC “Information medicine center”
Address: Nekrasovskaya str. 56 B, Samara, 443010
Phone: (846) 374-04-74

LLC “TC Contact”
Address: Pyatnitskaya str. 55, Voronezh, 394000
Phone: +7 (473) 260-65-67

Autonomous nonprofit organization “Belinfonalog”
Address: Michurina str. 48b, Belgorod 308007
Phone: +7 (47-22) 232-702 (multichannel)

Certification authority “SDO” (Network of business service) (JSC)
Address: Komsomolsky prospect 11, build.1, Tver, 170026
Phone: (48-22) 509-509, (48-22)509-657

LLC “Registration-Process center “Partner”
Address: B. Sadovaya 239, 4th floor, office 422, Saratov, 410005
Phone: (84-52) 75-33-33

Address: Yashina str. 40, Khabarovsk, 680038
Phone: +7 (42-12) 45-46-34
+7 (42-12) 45-46-32
+7 (42-12) 76-48-70 (add. 305, 316, 320, 317, 315, 314)

LLC “CryptoStandard”
Address: Rostov-on Done Pushkinskaya str. 104/32 office 61, 344006
Phone: (863) 219-00-25

LLC “Keysystems”
Address: P. Yakovlev prospect 3, Cheboksary
Phone: 8 (83-52) 323-323

Certification Authority of Siberia “TUSUR” , http://уцсибири.рф
Address: Lenin prospect 40, Tomsk, 634050
Phone: +7 (38-22) 90-01-11 доп. 4

LLC “Center of information security”
Address: Severo-Zapadnaya str. 159, Barnaul Altaisky krai
Phone: +7 (38-52) 20-04-64

LLC “Internet technologies and communications”
Address: Odesskaya str. 41 office 301, Krasnodar, 350020
Phone: (861) 214-00-77, (861) 214-00-99
Факс: (861) 253-55-77

Certification Authority LLC RSC Info-Buhgalter
Address: Idarov str. 198, Nalchik, 360016
Phone: (866) 275-14-00,+7 909 490-08-01, +7 960 423-66-55

Certification authority “Sberkey”
Address: Bolshaya Tatarskaya 9, Moscow
Phone: (495) 539-25-50

Certification Authority “Taxnet”
Address: Kayuma Nasyri 28, Kazan, 420021
Phone: (843) 231-92-00

Address: Internatsionalnaya str. 110, Barnaul, 656049
Phone: 8-800-1000-945

CJSC “Certification Authority of Ural”
Address: Moskovskaya str. 11 A, office 107, Yekaterinburg 620014
Phone: (343) 351-78-57

LLC “Kommersant KARTOTEKA”
Address: Nahimovsky prospect 32, IFES RAS, office 1312, Moscow
Phone: 8 (800) 100-85-55 / 8 (800) 100-85-50, add. 197, 198, 199

CJSC “Service Center”
Address: Nerchinskaya str. 10, office 315, Vladivostok, 690106
Phone: +7 (423) 262-02-62

Address: Nagovitsyna-Ikryanistova str. 6, first floor, Ivanovo, 153003
Phone: +7 (493) 220-30-40

LLC “Certification authority Orbita”
Address: Komsomolskaya 40, Krasnodar, 127434
Phone: (861) 201-01-44

JSC “InfoTeX Internet Trust”
Address: Stary Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd 1/23, build. 1, 2nd floor, Moscow 127287
Phone: (495) 737-93-72

CJSC “Kaluga Astral”
Address: Tereninsky 6, Kaluga 248023
Phone: (48-42) 78-89-99

CJSC “Certification Authority”
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Maloohtinsky prospect 68, 212, 195112;
Moscow, Kalanchevskaya str. 15A, office 413, 107078
Phone: (812) 578-01-96; (495) 783-15-25

LLC CA GIS (Certification Authority GASINFORMSERVICE)
Address: prospect of Stachek 47, Saint-Petersburg 191188
Phone: (812) 3-052-052

LLC “E-Portal”
Address: 17 Rabochaya str. 101B Omsk 644023
Phone: (38-12) 91-07-77

Certification Authority “MagLAN” (LLC “MagTel”)
Address: Gaharin str. 12, room 327, Magadan, 685000
Phone: (41-32) 20-02-00

Certification Authority CJSC “IRBIS”
Address: Volokolamsky prospect 43 build. 1, Tver, 170033
Phone: (482) 271-02-50

CJSC “SibTeleCom”
Address: Zavodskaya str. 11A, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tumensky region
Phone: (346) 736-00-61

B2B Connect
Address: 8th Tekstilshikov str. 11, Moscow, 109129
Phone: (495) 727-15-04

Certification Authority “Property” FGUP “Rostechinventarizatsiya – Federal BTI”
Address: Vernandsky prospect 37, building 2, Moscow 119415
Phone: (495) 747-98-11

Address: Leninsky prospect 168, Saint-Petersburg 196191
Phone: (812) 610-56-10

Certification Authority LLC “NTSsoft”
Address: Chebyshev str. 4, office 308, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlov region, Russia 620062
Phone: 8-800-333-22-05

LLC “Skynetwork”
Address: Moskovskaya str. 15, Kazan, 420111
Phone: +7(843) 202-42-46

LLC “EuroSoft”
Address: Ofitserskaya str. 11a, Vladimir, 600001
Phone: 8-800-700-32-51

LLC “Russian Company”
Address: Respublica str. 53, office 511, Tumen
Phone: (34-52) 68-00-86

LLC “Certification authority Orbita”
Address: Kubanskaya 15, Sochi, Krasnodar Krai
Phone: (861) 203-16-46; (861) 201-01-44

LLC “Educational information center C”
Address: Vishnevy proezd 19, Saratov, 410065
Phone: (8452) 74-44-06, 8 (800) 500-71-71

SPB State Unitary Enterprise “SPB research and information center”
Address: Transportny court 6A buildings 7H, 8H, Saint-Petersburg 191040
Phone: (812) 576-60-75

LLC Certification Authority “Crypto-Service”
Address: Lermontovskaya str. 87/66 office 316, Rostov-on-Done 344010
Phone: (863) 268-93-85

ООО «Региональный Удостоверяющий Центр»
Address: 630049, г.Новосибирск, Красный проспект, д.157/1
Phone: (383) 228-15-53

Автономное учреждение Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры «Югорский научно-исследовательский институт информационных технологий»
Address: 628011, г. Ханты-Мансийск, ул. Мира, д. 151, каб. 614
Phone: (34-67) 359-034

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Открытый код»
Address: 443001, г. Самара, ул. Ярмарочная, 55, 14 этаж
Phone: (846) 331-11-11

ООО «РосИнтеграция»
Address: 350063, г. Краснодар, ул. Мира, д. 26
Phone: (861) 279-32-00

ООО «Удостоверяющий Центр Траст»
Address: 350000, Краснодарский край, г. Краснодар, ул. Красная д. 81, офис 408/1
Phone: (861) 201-26-89

Address: 214000 г. Смоленск, ул. Коммунистическая, 6
Phone: (481) 238-88-98

ФГУП «РОСТЭК» Федеральной таможенной службы
Address: 107258, г. Москва, ул. Игральная, д. 1
Phone: (495) 662-51-26, (495) 662-51-27

Удостоверяющий центр «Тензор»
Address: г. Ярославль, Московский пр-т, д. 12
Phone: (48-52) 26-20-00