LLC “RTS-Tender”
LLC “RTS-Tender” was established in 2000. Before 2010 its name was LLC “Index agency RTS”. 99, 9% of shares of the company belong to CJSC “Clearing center RTS”.
The main sphere of LLC “RTS-Tender” concerns organization in the framework of the Group RTS of electronic auctions for executing government, municipal and corporate procurement.
On the 25th of January 2010 the company (at that time LLC “Index agency RTS”) became one of the five electronic platforms selected for implementation of government and municipal procurement in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation and Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.
Conducting electronic auctions with the use of information and calculation resources RTS will provide economy and efficient use of budgetary funds and will raise availability of government and municipal orders for small and medium business.